Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Top 25 Things Bartenders Want To Say To Your Face

I like to think that I'm a friendly, polite, and good-tipping patron when I'm out with friends at the bar.

Although I do generally fit that bill, there are apparently some things I've done that bartenders do NOT like. They probably could have told me off, but they restrained. I thank you for that
Mr. Bartender.

Study this list, carefully, and don't be "That guy/girl" at the bar next time.

1. DON'T fail to have your money ready.
2. DON't whistle. Just don't.
3. DON'T wave money
4. DON'T yell out the bartender's first name
5. DON'T say "make it strong!" or "put a lot of liquor in it"
6. DON'T give the ever-expanding drink order
7. DON'T pull the redirect (AKA the bait 'n' switch)
8. DON'T try the confused or lost look
9. DON'T order "High Maintenance" shooters
10. DON'T assume we know you're in the band
11. DON'T assume we know you. Period.
12. DON'T apologize for sucking
13. DON'T assume soft drinks are free
14. DON'T put pennies and nickels in the tip jar
15. DON'T be "The Microbrew Aficionado"
16. DON'T be "The Daddy Warbucks"
17. DON'T be a "Whiney Baby"
18. DON'T ask me to charge your phone behind the bar
19. DO tip!
20. DO be patient
21. DO smile
22. DO ask me about drinks
23. DO ask me about the neighborhood
24. DO say thank you
25. DO leave when the lights come up

Read more on the specifics on these DO'S and DON'Ts here:

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