Thursday, December 1, 2016

Monday, November 28, 2016

2016 Black Friday Shopping, Canada Vs America

This is why I prefer Cyber Monday... It's sad actually that people act this way to save a few bucks, by endangering the lives of others. I'm willing to bet that Canada had a few nasty scenes as well though. (Language NSFW)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

TV Host Voluntarily Gets Stung By Giant Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Now obviously this guy is no stranger to getting stung...or bit, or, well you get the point. (He does literally) THIS sting, however, ranks second on the "Insect Sting Pain Index". The Tarantula Hawk is huge, as you can see, and it's sting can paralyze a human for nearly five minutes. He obviously didn't feel to great after this. BTW, when I lived out in Colorado, I was mountain biking in a desert area and came across one of these things DRAGGING a tarantula into the weeds. At the time, I didn't know what exactly this insect was, but it all makes sense now. After it stings the tarantula, the wasp then lays an egg on it, and the paralyzed tarantula is eaten alive by larva that hatch soon there after the egg is laid. WOW...that sucks.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Anti-Lochte Protesters Rush DWTS Stage!

It was quite an episode of Dancing With the Stars on Monday night, as a couple anti-Ryan Lochte protesters in the audience rushed the stage after his performance. It didn't take long before security took them down though, and they were later arrested. Really? That gas station story is old news now. He told a fib. The Olympics are over. Go find something else to do that's more constructive than wearing matching shirts at a reality show.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Matt Stonie Devours 113 Pancakes In 8 Minutes

Matt Stonie is no stranger to eating a lot of food in a little time, and his latest world record is no different than the rest. He takes down 113 silver dollar pancakes in 8 minutes at the 2016 World Pancake Eating Championship, a new world record!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The 1955 "Good House Wife's" Guide...You're Going To Love This

Wow have times changed...after you read this article I think you will agree. Although a lot of what the "good wife" (which these PC days would read "good spouse") remain good advice, others have a whole different meaning...

1955 "Good House Wife's" Guide.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Kenny Chesney And P!nk's New Song, "Setting the World on Fire"

Here's the new duet "Setting the World on Fire" that is on Kenny's new album, Cosmic Hallelujah. What do ya think? IMO their voices sounds great together.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Human Lego Man At COSPlay

Did you ever wonder what a "Lego man" would look like in real life? Well this artist did, and he created a, well, odd looking better Lego like mask and hands! The clasp hands even have nails, weeeiiirrrd.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Tallest And Fastest Waterslide In The World!

We live in a great area for water parks, in fact, the water park capital of the world Wisconsin Dells! Noah's Ark is my favorite waterpark of any I've visited in the world, and I've visited quite a few. That being said, when it comes to individual water slides, it appears this one has the rest beat when it comes to being the tallest and fastest! It's located in Rio, it's just under 164 feet tall, and a rider has been clocked flying down it at 57 mph!!
So, would you?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

XXX: Return of Xander Cage...Yup, Vin Diesel Is Back)

There's another installment in the Triple X franchise? YEP. Xander Cage (Vin Diesel), is back in the third of the XXX movies, and it doesn't look too bad. If you're a Fast and Furious fan, you'll likely dig this one, and it certainly HAS to be better than the sequel with Ice Cube..

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016

There's A New Game Called Chardonnay GO!

Have you heard about the new game called Chardonnay GO yet? It looks like a lot of fun, and you actually can capture the chardonnay! :D

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sharing Netflix Passwords Is Now Illegal

Do you have a friend that mooches off of you? Ya know, the "Hey, can I borrow 5 bucks" person. Here's another common one, "Can I borrow your Netflix password?" Well, perhaps you want to rethink giving them your password, even if YOU are OK with it.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals last week ruled that sharing online passwords is a crime prosecutable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. In Judge Stephen Reinhardt’s dissenting opinion, he noted the ruling could impact the likes of Netflix and HBO members, as well as other consensual password sharing.

The good news is...Netflix doesn't really seem to care... Netflix Password Sharing Illegal

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Fisherman Pulls Up An Alligator Instead Of A Catfish

That's definitely not a catfish. Can you imagine having your hands that close to a mouth full of that many teeth?!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Competitive Eater Consumes 200 Easter Peeps In 14 Minutes

SICK! That's my reaction to seeing someone eat two-hundred sugar coated marshmallow Peeps, and likely what he became after doing so. Nothing like feeling like crap for the next few days.

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Creepiest Easter Bunny Costumes Of All Time

Seriously, who designed these costumes? Were they trying to make the bunny look satanic? IMO, it's a rare occasion that ANY adult dressed as a bunny doesn't look creepy to some extent. Perhaps it's also in part to the fact that bunnies don't generally walk around on two legs, making the experience for any child that sees it even more haunting.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Drunk And Belligerent Monkey Steals Knife And Chases Bar Patrons!

A drunk and belligerent monkey got a hold of a big knife at a bar in a Brazil town, and proceeded to chase patrons. I would not be waiting around to see what happens next, but these patrons decided to, and caught the little guy slashing away at the roof.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Snowball Machine Gun- How To

Although I prefer a good old-fashioned snowball fight using my hands, a snowball machine gun sounds like a lot of fun too! For example, take it work and relieve some stress by blasting those co-workers you don't really like. ;)