Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Oh GREAT. Someone Swallowed The Toe Again!

This is an actual drink. This is an actual toe. Yes someone did swallow the toe again, as in, it's happened multiple times.

Even in the best of circumstances, Dawson City's famed Sourtoe Cocktail doesn't go down smoothly.
On Saturday night, however, the cocktail's marquee ingredient -- an actual human toe -- went down a way it was never meant to.

Served by the Sourtoe Cocktail club at Dawson City's Downtown Hotel, the Sourtoe can be any drink -- what makes it a Sourtoe Cocktail is the addition of a real, preserved amputated toe, which is dropped into the glass.

As reported by CBC News, on Saturday, an American visiting the town in Yukon, for the summer downed his Sourtoe Cocktail, toe and all.

The mixer of choice was reportedly a shot of whiskey.

The apparently satisfied boozer immediately paid the requisite $500, the bar's posted fine for swallowing the toe.

This isn't the first time the toe has been swallowed, but Terry Lee, the bartender on duty Saturday night, thinks it's the first time the toe has been swallowed deliberately.

"Lee says the tradition will continue, as the bar has a backup toe," reported the CBC.
'If you have a spare toe, we need one'
In addition, according to the CBC, the fine for swallowing the toe has been bumped to $2,500.

More: CNN

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