Friday, July 26, 2013

BMW Car-Pool...No...Literally A BMW With A Pool In It

Well first of all, I am a car guy. That being said, I am more specifically a BMW enthusiast. When I saw what these guys did to this BMW 3-Series I cringed a little. Making your car into a pool is a cool idea, but driving it around on public streets...not so much.

A BMW convertible first aroused the suspicions of a motorcycle cop on patrol in the eastern German town of Eibenstock when water sloshed out of it as it drove around a curve. When the officer pulled the car over, he could hardly believe his eyes.

In a police report released on Monday, he described encountering an "a convertible of a slightly different kind." The car had been converted into a swimming pool on wheels complete with a wooden railing and cheap floral decoration that could have come out of a chintzy Hawaiian hotel.

In addition to the driver, the officer also found two young men sitting inside in bathing suits and a third sitting on the trunk, dipping his feet in the "pool". The car reportedly only had one functioning gear, but could travel at speeds of up to 25 kilometers per hour (15.5 mph). The vehicle was also lacking a license plate.

More: National Turk

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